Saturday, February 18, 2012

Kind of a tough week. Jen and I both fought through colds this week, and that seemed to make everything a struggle. Two two of us nearly polished off a bottle of NyQuil. Fortunately, William was pretty healthy.

Made it through, though, and actually had a couple of notable training sessions.

Sun: Run 7.5 mi @ zone 1/2
Mon: Weights a.m; run 5 mi @ zone 1/2 p.m.
Tue: Bike, 1 hour Computrainer (ergo meter mode), main set of 4x6 @ CP 90 (260 watts). Solid ride, but the cold was wearing me down by the last set.
Wed: Swim a.m., 100 yard pace test (cut pace by 1 sec); run p.m., 5 mi @ zone 1/2
Thu: weights a.m.
Fri: Swim a.m. @ endurance sets, 3000 yd (first time more than 3000 since 2010). Run p.m. 4.5 mi/hills @ zone 1-3. Second week adding in a fourth run. Working on the running base for the off season (or early season or whatever this is).
Sat: Bike, 1-1/2 hr Computrainer 3D, various courses,

I'm pretty happy with my current progress. I've also lost about 11 pounds since December, and am below 200 for the first time since 2009.

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